Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How To Pickle Anything Even.... Eggs?

Basic pickle instructions from Instructables
There is also a pdf download available.

But today I'm gonna talk about a European favorite..... PICKLED EGGS! Yup, I said it, pickled eggs. Like they say, don't knock it till you try it.  I'm sorry I don't have any pictures to go with the recipes below, but someday when I take some I'll post them.

First things first, in order to pickle the eggs first you have to hard boil them. That's why I will first tell you how to make the perfect hard boiled egg and peel it too!

What you will need

-Egg(s) duh
-Heat source
-Pot (the kind for cooking)

What you will do

Put the egg(s) in the pot fill the pot with room temp water until the eggs are fully covered, set the stove to medium heat When the egg reaches a full or rolling boil cover the pot and start your timer for 7 minuets. When the timer goes off, put the pot in the sink and run cold water into the pot for 2 - 3 minutes, then with a spoon remove them and put them in a bowl in the fridge for no less than 30 minutes.

When they are cool enough to peel, take the egg and hit it on a hard surface, turn it 90 degrees and hit it again. then squeeze the middle until its cracked all the way around. Then, with your fingernail, begin to peel the egg, note: there is a "skin" type layer under the shell you'll want to get under the that too. The shell should come right off with no problems.

Now the fun part!

Pickled Eggs

What you will need
-Hard boiled eggs (peeled)
-Malt pickling vinegar
-Salt (2 tbsp)
Spices (either pickling spices or your own mixture of spices)
I recommend the following
Dried chillies
Cardamon pods (split)
Black pepper (cracked)
-A sauce pan with a lid
-A clean glass jar

What you will do

To the pot add a pint of pickling vinegar (6% acidity) and your spices cover and heat on medium-low heat for 1 hour before binging to a boil.

Meanwhile add the cold peeled eggs to a clean glass jar. Then carefully pour the boiling vinegar over the eggs. Let some of the heat release before you put the lid on the jar, about 5-10 minutes. Store the jar in a dark room temperature place for about a week, the longer they are stored the tougher they will get but they will also be more flavorful.
Most ingredients can be changed, but it is important to use good eggs, strong vinegar and flavorful spices.

Different parts of Europe use different kinds of vinegar so feel free to switch it up. Note that the color of the vinegar will change the color of your eggs as well.

 Now ENJOY! be creative! Pickled deviled eggs? Pickled egg salad? Pickled eggs added to a warm spinach, mushroom bacon salad? The sky is the limit.

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